What Being Out of Favor Taught Me…

For the last two years at my previous job, I sensed that I was “out of favor.” And no matter what I did, I couldn’t get “in favor.”

I hated being in that state! And for a time, I was so angry! I blamed others until I saw that God uses favor like rails to guide us. Wasn’t it the presence and absence of favor in Joseph’s life that led him from favored son to unfavored slave to unfavored prisoner to favored prince of Egypt?

The absence of favor was painful. I could relate to Jeremiah who wrote in Lamentations 3: “He has walled me in so I can’t go out; He has made my chains heavy. He has blocked my paths with hewn stone. He has made my paths crooked. He set me as a target for the arrow. I have become a laughingstock to all my people. Their mocking song all day. He has filled me with bitterness. He has made me cower all day long. My soul has been rejected from peace.”

It felt as though I was never going to find favor again. I lamented…oh, I lamented! I cried. I fumed. I prayed. I complained. I journaled. And I tried to learn what I could do to gain favor again.

It was not to be.

And for that I’m thankful…now.

I had to journey through all the feelings, all the pain, all the humbling to allow God to do His work in me. When I finally learned to stop fighting the “state of no favor” and instead lean into it, my situation didn’t go away. But I got better.

I moved from anger to forgiveness. I moved from wanting justice to accepting my leaders and their actions as instruments from God. I moved from raging pride to quiet humility.

I knew that God’s rescue was coming, but what I didn’t know is that He had a lot of refining to do in me before that rescue would come. I had very clearly heard from God that He was leading me out to something new. But that exit would take two years of living “out of favor.” TWO YEARS! What a ride!

One of the biggest lessons I learned in that time is that I had taken for granted in my times of favor that favor comes from God only. In my arrogance, I had taken credit for my success and my influence. I learned instead that favor is a gift from God. And, honestly, the absence of favor is a gift from God–just more painful!

I see now that favor–or being out of favor–are character-building tools that God uses to guide us into His very best for us–and for His kingdom. (All I wanted initially in the no-favor zone was for it to GO AWAY!)

Some may wonder if a good God can allow or even orchestrate times of no favor. Honestly, I don’t know if God allowed or orchestrated the events. But what I do believe is that everything happens under the umbrella of God’s sovereignty.

“Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both good and ill go forth?” (Lamentations 3:37-38)

There is NO unrighteousness in God. Whatever He does is holy and good. I may think it’s not, but it is. Even the hard times in my life can teach me more of who God is. They can reveal panes of the prism of seeing God for who He is. I don’t need to fear knowing God as He is because He is only good always!

Romans 11:22 says, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God.” J.I. Packer writes in Knowing God: “Both appear alongside each other in the economy of grace. Both must be acknowledged together if God is truly to be known.”

I am so grateful to a loving and good God who allowed difficulty in my life not just because of the final outcome. But I am grateful that God allowed these times so I might know Him better and grow closer to Him every single painful day.

Oh, ya, did I mention it was for TWO YEARS?


“For no one is abandoned by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion

because of the greatness of his unfailing love. For he does not enjoy hurting people

or causing them sorrow.” (Jeremiah 3:31-33)


About The Author

Christine Yount Jones

Author, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God, student of the Word, fellow traveler in faith, and a broken child of God in need of His amazing grace.


  1. Yvonne | 7th Jun 18

    Chris, thanks for sharing so deeply from your heart once again! Your words have blessed me this morning. I have already written this sentence in my daily journal: “Everything happens under the umbrella of God’s sovereignty.” I needed to hear that today! My current struggles are of feeling ignored, almost passed over – several staff changes (and vacancies not yet filled) over this past year – getting all the focus. I continue faithfully serving in my position as children’s pastor, plodding along!! So not quite the same as your struggles, but the lump in my throat when I read your post realized there were things I deeply resonated with! May God bless you deeply and richly in the new place He has led you to!

    • Christine Yount Jones | 12th Jun 18

      Love you! And I know that you are faithful. I’m convinced that God is more interested in what’s happening IN us than what’s happening TO us. You are a beautiful picture of God’s work!

  2. Nora Rawls | 7th Jun 18

    I needed this so very much this morning, Thank you for sharing.

  3. JD McCain | 8th Jun 18

    A great post Chris. Keep the faith

  4. Linda Sullivan | 13th Jun 18

    Chris, I too fell out of favor at a company you are familiar with. And now looking back over the last eight years since I returned to California, I have seen God’s plan unfold in lesson after lesson, some gentle, others applied with a 2 x 4 for my hard head. I have learned humility, how to say “I don’t know,” and to accept the limitations that come with aging. The most recent and heartbreaking revelation though was that God guided me to move back close to my family so I could be with them when we all had to endure the unbearable tragedy of my grandsons suicide eight months ago. I am now able to spend time with my granddaughter and support my son and daughter-in-law as they travel through their grief. I thank God over and over for teaching me that there is no job that completes me as a human being. I thank God for sending me exactly where I needed to be. And most of all, I thank God for walking beside me as I weaved through the maze of sorrow over losing my beloved grandson, and giving me strength and discernment as I search for the best ways to help my family. God is good.

    • Christine Yount Jones | 13th Jun 18

      This is so beautiful! God’s goodness is so evident in our lives. I’m so sorry for you loss–almost unbearable. I’m glad you and God are there for your family. Many blessings, friend!

  5. Margaret Garrison | 17th Jun 18

    Thank you for this post. I suspect that many of us in ministry have experienced ‘being out of favor,” often unjustly. Turning anger into forgiveness is one important and humbling act that I needed to do, as well. I remember taking walks every morning, listening over and over again to the song, “Forgiveness” by Matthew West.

    • Christine Yount Jones | 18th Jun 18

      Margaret, I love how God speaks to us all in ways that are healing–unique ways. Thanks!

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