Lord, Please Make Me a Donkey

When I was a young girl, Little John Saunders’ donkey lived in the lot next to ours. I liked to stand out by our backyard fence and sing to the donkey. Until one day, he jumped the fence, looked at me for a few seconds, and then bolted off into our small town of 300.

So accounts in the Bible where a donkey (ass in KJV) talks, those intrigue me.

In Numbers 22–23, we learn of two people and a donkey: Balaak, Balaam, and, right, the donkey.

You can read these chapters so I’ll skip the historical detail and get to the nitty gritty. Balaak saw that the Israelites were going to destroy him and his people, so he sent for God’s prophet Balaam to come and curse the Israelites. This meant a bountiful reward for Balaam. So Balaam went to curse the Israelites but God told him to only bless the Israelites. Balaak’s people kept pursuing Balaam so he kept asking God if he could curse them.

Finally, God told Balaam to go with Balaak’s people but to do only what God told him to do.

Off went Balaam on his trusty donkey. Three times along the way, an angel of the Lord stood in the donkey’s way. So the donkey stopped moving and Balaam beat the donkey each time. And the donkey spoke!

Finally, God opened Balaam’s eyes to also see the angel and hear God’s voice to not go any further.

It’s easy to judge these people, thousands of years later. But perhaps we’re not that unlike them.

Who am I most like in this Scripture?

Am I a Balaak–wanting God to curse my enemies, doing anything to get my way, full of fear but not turning to God?

Or…am I a Balaam–halfheartedly serving God but willing to go with the highest bidder for gain–ears open to God only when I want to hear Him?

Or…am I a donkey–faithfully doing what God has put me on Earth to do, serving my Master, speaking His words, ears and eyes open to Him at all times?

Yes, Lord, make me a donkey…make me an ass…make me whatever it takes to hear You say “well done, good and faithful servant”!

About The Author

Christine Yount Jones

Author, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God, student of the Word, fellow traveler in faith, and a broken child of God in need of His amazing grace.

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